Melissa Nkomo is a trailblazer in Vancouver, making history as the first black person to lead the way in wellness and mindfulness practice. Her dedication to empowering individuals to prioritize self-care and mental health has been an inspiration to many. As a woman of color, she has faced challenges and barriers within the wellness industry, yet she continues to break down those walls. Through her teachings and leadership in her community, she is not only promoting inner peace and health, but also helping to create a more inclusive and diverse environment in the industry. Melissa's contribution to the field of wellness and mindfulness is truly commendable and paves the way for future generations of black leaders in this space.

Melissa Nkomo for Sportsnet | BHM

Director: Tagwa Moyo
Danny Astefan
Danny Astefan & Tagwa Moyo
Lighting: Zachary Abrahamson
FPV Drone: Kai Morgan
BTS: Maciej
Beau Cheuvalier